
I'm using Qt Creator 13.0.1, Qt5 and CMake 3.14.

I want to create unit tests with QTest on the "Calculatrice" class that I created.

I saw several Youtube videos and searched a lot on the internet but I couldn't find how to create a test.
It seems that the solutions I found apply to old versions of Qt but nothing on the new version, even the examples on the Qt site are not detailed on the different steps.

I tried two ways to create a test :
1- After creating my "Calculatrice" class, I created a new project "File>>New project>>Test Project>>Qt Test Project", but I did not find how to connect this new test project to my "Calculatrice" class in CMake or elsewhere.
2- After creating my "Calculatrice" class, I create a new subfolder in the same project and I create a CMake for the test.

Neither method worked

What is the correct method to create a test with QTest and what are all the steps to create a test??
