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Thread: [Qt Visual Studio Tools] Cannot create new version

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
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    Question [Qt Visual Studio Tools] Cannot create new version

    I've installed Qt Visual Studio Tools (version in Visual Studio 2019. The installation was good: no errors and I can see the plugin commands.

    I want to add a Qt version, so I've added it in the Options->Qt->Versions window:


    If I click on Ok, I close the window, but when I reopen it the list is empty again. It cannot save the Qt version. If I add the version and close, and I try to build, Visual Studio tells me that not qt version is installed, confirming the fact that it did not save my configuration.

    So my first question is: Where can I find logs for checking the error when trying to add the Qt version? This way I can try to check what's wrong.

    My second question is: Where does the plugin save configuration data? If I can access to the file maybe I can fix it, or even add versions manually in order to check if it works.

    Thanks for replies.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: [Qt Visual Studio Tools] Cannot create new version

    Did this work under an earlier version of the tools? If so, maybe you can revert to that.

    It could also be that the tool might be trying to write to a restricted directory. If you can identify where the tool is trying to save its configuration, you might need to modify the access rights to permit to tool to create and write its files. Sorry, but I do not know where that is. I have had problems with Visual Studio itself being prevented from saving information to restricted locations.

    Otherwise, this sounds like a bug report to the Qt team.
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