HI, I have a SLOT
Qt Code:
  1. slot() {
  2. vector <QWidget*> tabs;
  3. vector<QSpinBox*> sbx;
  4. vector<QSpinBox*> sby;
  5. vector<QSpinBox*> sbz;
  7. cout << "problem \n";
  8. tabs.push_back(tab0);
  9. tabs.push_back(tab1);
  10. tabs.push_back(tab2);
  11. tabs.push_back(tab3);
  12. tabs.push_back(tab4);
  13. tabs.push_back(tab5);
  14. tabs.push_back(tab6);
  15. tabs.push_back(tab7);
  16. cout << " END problem \n";
  17. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
this slot can be called many time; it happen that the 3th or 4th time, generate a bug error;
"cout << " END problem \n";" isn't print..........do anyone know why??? thanks