I hope that I don't end up hitting a wall with the need to beginResetModel/endResetModel to update the entire model and thus probably the entire view if just a single element in a child of a child is changed, I don't think this will be an issue for my application (5-10 persons per 1-5 groups, per 1 classroom), but it is worth thinking about. Just because I am new to QML (not new to Qt necessarily), you allude to the shortcut/less maintainable version that piqued my interest, that does not adhere/implement the abstract interface. Would that be a QObject with properties and invokable functions? If I were to go that route, I would get a change notification per property potentially, and be more performant than the original suggestion, wouldn't I? The downside as you mentioned is maintainability of the interface between the model and the view.

The view is basically going to be a classroom view, with a tabview of groups, and in each tab a rowlayout of persons

Thanks for your replies, I really appreciate it!