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Thread: Read binary from file

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
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    Unhappy Read binary from file

    Hello All.
    I have source of already wrote program on Borland C++, but I can't convert it to QT4.
    I need read data from file. I include full overview about file format into zip file and less below.
    I use mdi sample and rewrite function openFile(), and it's work:
    Qt Code:
    1. void MdiChild::openFile(QString curFile){
    2. isUntitled = true;
    3. setWindowTitle(curFile + "[*]");
    4. QFile file(curFile);
    5. QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); //курсор в режим ожидания
    6. if(!
    7. {
    8. QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Spreadsheet"),
    9. tr("Cannot open file %1:\n%2.")
    10. .arg(curFile)
    11. .arg(file.errorString()));
    12. }
    13. else
    14. {
    15. QDataStream in(&file);
    16. }
    17. QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); //курсор в нормальный режим
    18. file.close();
    19. }
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    But I don't know how write code witch I have already in Borland. I don't understand how read binary file. Maybe I don't need source on Borland, and I can write other program:
    Qt Code:
    1. void TMainForm::vOpenDSPZdata(){
    2. Chart->Title->Text->Clear();
    3. Chart->Title->Text->Add("Converting to DSP data format");
    4. int NF = OpenMultiDialog->Files->Count;
    6. for (int nf=0;nf<NF;nf++){
    8. FLName=OpenMultiDialog->Files->Strings[nf];
    9. FH=FileOpen(FLName,fmOpenRead);
    10. if(FH==-1){ShowMessage("Error with FileOpen");return;}
    12. FSName = ExtractFileName(OpenMultiDialog->Files->Strings[nf]);
    13. FSName = FSName.SubString(0,FSName.Length()-4)+".dsp";
    14. FSName = ExtractFilePath(FLName) + FSName;
    15. filec = 0;
    16. file_razmer = FileSeek(FH,filec,2);
    17. FileSeek(FH,0,0);
    18. FileRead(FH,&Q.fh, sizeof Q.fh);
    19. Q.fh2dspp(66000,0,0);
    20. Q.allocate_spectr();
    21. n_vib = (file_razmer - (sizeof Q.fh))/(sizeof 4*2*Q.nDSPZ);
    22. Memo->Lines->Add(">Open file name : " + FLName);
    23. Memo->Lines->Add(">Saving file name : " + FSName);
    24. Memo->Lines->Add(">File size : " + IntToStr(file_razmer) + " Byte");
    25. Memo->Lines->Add(">sizeof header : " + IntToStr(sizeof Q.fh) + " Byte");
    26. Memo->Lines->Add(">sizeof spectr : " + IntToStr(sizeof 4*2*Q.nDSPZ) + " Byte");
    27. Memo->Lines->Add(">Count of spectra : " + IntToStr(n_vib));
    28. Memo->Lines->Add(">Count of chanel DSPZ: " + IntToStr(Q.nDSPZ));
    29. Memo->Lines->Add(">Resolution DSPZ: " + FloatToStrF(Q.dspp.NAvr * Q.NDSPZ * 1./ Q.dspp.frcl,ffFixed,8,2) + " ms");
    30. Memo->Lines->Add(">Averaging factor DSPZ: " + IntToStr(Q.dspp.NAvr));
    31. Memo->Lines->Add(">Resolution DSP: " + FloatToStrF(Q.dspp.NAvr * Q.NDSPZ * 1./ Q.dspp.frcl , ffFixed,8,2) + " ms");
    32. Memo->Lines->Add(Q.fh.time);
    33. astr="";
    34. for (i=0;i<16;i++){
    35. astr+= IntToStr(i) + ": " + Q.fh.syst[i] + " ";
    36. }
    37. Memo->Lines->Add("> "+ astr);
    38. Memo->Lines->Add(Q.fh.desc);
    39. int Naver;
    40. if (OF->nAverCB->Checked && n_vib>Naver)
    41. Naver = StrToInt(OF->nAverEdit->Text);
    42. else Naver = n_vib;
    43. Memo->Lines->Add(">Number of spectr for DSP file: " + IntToStr(Naver));
    44. Naver=10;
    45. for(i=0;i<Naver;i++){
    46. FileRead(FH,Q.spectr, sizeof 4*2*Q.nDSPZ);
    47. Q.get_spectrAB_prop();
    48. SeriesShow();
    49. if (!((i+1)%100)){
    50. Caption = CaptInfo + " file# " + IntToStr(nf+1) + "/" + IntToStr(NF) +
    51. " - " + IntToStr(i*100/Naver) + "%";
    52. SeriesShow();
    53. Sleep(20);
    54. Application->ProcessMessages();
    55. }
    56. }
    58. Application->ProcessMessages();
    60. FileClose(FH);
    61. }//nf
    62. }
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    Where DSPZ Q and DSP W
    Qt Code:
    1. class DSP{
    2. public:
    3. DBUFFH fh;
    4. DBUFSP sp;
    5. int nDSP;
    6. DSP::DSP();
    7. DSP::~DSP();
    8. int intLEtoBE(int le);
    9. int intfLEtoBE(float fl);
    10. float floatLEtoBE(int le);
    11. float getchA(int k);
    12. float getchB(int k);
    13. private:
    14. int i,j;
    15. float tmp;
    17. };
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    Qt Code:
    1. class DSPZ{
    2. public:
    3. int nDSPZ;
    4. int NDSPZ;
    5. DSP_FH fh;
    6. int *spectr;
    7. float *chA,*chB;
    8. SPECTR_PROP spp;
    9. DSPP_PROP dspp;
    10. DSPZ::DSPZ();
    11. DSPZ::~DSPZ();
    12. void get_spectrAB_prop();
    13. void allocate_spectr();
    14. void fh2dspp(float freqclock, int winchA, int winchB);
    15. private:
    16. int i,j;
    17. float tmp;
    18. };
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    The file header is placed at begin of the file (0x0h offset). File header has size 1024 bytes and contains following fields:
    In “C”-language notation header can by considered as structure:
    Qt Code:
    1. typedef struct FHEADER_Tag
    2. {
    3. char name[32];
    4. char time[32];
    5. char gmtt[32];
    6. char sysn[32];
    7. char syst[32];
    8. char place[96];
    9. char desc[256];
    10. DWORD PP[128];
    11. DWORD DSPP[384];
    12. } FHEADER;
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    In the “C”-language notation processing parameters structure PP can by considered as following structure:
    Qt Code:
    1. typedef struct UP_EXCH_Tag //DSP parameters
    2. {
    3. DWORD mode; //mode of operation
    4. DWORD size; //size of DMA data block
    5. DWORD prc_mode; //processing parameters
    6. DWORD tst_gen; //not used
    7. DWORD clk; //not used
    8. DWORD fft_size; //used for data trasferering
    9. }UP_EXCH;
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    In the “C”-language notation processing parameters structure PP can by considered as following structure:
    Qt Code:
    1. typedef struct DSPP_tag //DSP processing parameetrs
    2. {
    3. int FFT_Size; //for using in the DSP
    4. int MinDSPSize; // for using in the DSP
    5. int MinDMASize; // for using in the DSP
    6. int DMASizeCnt; // for using in the DSP
    7. int DMASize; // for using in the DSP
    8. float CLCfrq;
    9. int Synch;
    10. int SSht;
    11. int Mode;
    12. int Wch;
    13. int Smd;
    14. int Offt,
    15. int Lb;
    16. int Hb;
    17. int Wb;
    18. int NAvr;
    19. BOOL CAvr;
    20. BOOL Weight;
    21. BOOL DCRem;
    22. BOOL ExtSyn;
    23. BOOL Ch1;
    24. BOOL Ch2;
    25. BOOL ExtWin;
    26. int Clip;
    27. //RF parts
    28. int HPF0;
    29. int HPF1;
    30. int LPF0;
    31. int LPF1;
    32. int ATT0;
    33. int ATT1;
    34. } DSPP;
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    Just after file header, the data follow. So, the data offset in the file is 0x400h. In the Spectrum Mode (Mode=1) the Wb pair of samples (spectrum lines) are stored. First sample is from A channel, and second sample is from B channel (see (2) and (4) on Fig.I.1). Just after 2*Wb samples of the spectrum the next 2*Wb spectrum samples are stored… and so on.

    Each FFT sample (SSAMPLE) has 4 byte size SSAMPLE is in the DSP floating point format. To get the sample presented in conventional floating point format (FLOAT_NUM) one should apply the following transformation (in “C” notation):
    Fig.1 Data sequence in the “Spectrum” mode
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