Hi! I am using the latest stable Qt Creator (2.4.0) with OpenCV libraries included and MSVC2008 Qt libraries. I have some problems, when it comes to code completion and highlighting of classes and structures (and everything else) from OpenCV. It just can not detect the definition/declaration of OpenCV structures and classes as they are in nested header files. When I "follow symbol under cursor" with OpenCV header file under cursor, and find the desired class, the code completion starts to work for that class. It looks like Qt Creator only checks for declarations in nearest included files in "tree structure" of included files, and it checks the files included from those included files only when I open them. I find it annoying every time I open my project, to iterate through all included files.
Code completion of Qt libraries works fine. So, I would like to know, if there is some way to force Qt Creator to detect declarations and definitions in nested header files? Or any other trick?
Thank you in advance.