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Thread: QTextDocumentWriter / odf any good?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
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    Default QTextDocumentWriter / odf any good?

    Did anyone use the QTextDocumentWriter for more than the most basic texts?
    I cannot say that I am satisfied with this feature. I'd even say it is very close to uselessness.

    The odf documents can be loaded into openoffice, but the textlayout is almost totally lost. Formats I apply to only one frame seem to be applied globally. Borders around text frames just vanish. QTextTable borders are invisible, too.

    In koffice the documents look a little bit better. The format is mostly retained, but also most borders do not show at all. A whole table, which is added using insertHTML is totally invisible.

    When I save the same document in html format, everything is in place. I almost get a wysiwyg.

    Did someone had similar problems? Or could this be some sort of configuration problem on my side?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Qt products

    Default Re: QTextDocumentWriter / odf any good?

    make sure you dont have texttable.setBoarder(0);

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