I ran lupdate on my program and got a file juliaskein.ts:
Qt Code:
  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE TS>
  3. <TS version="2.0">
  4. <context>
  5. <name>JuliaWidget</name>
  6. <message>
  7. <location filename="jwidget.cpp" line="11"/>
  8. <source>Julia Skein</source>
  9. <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
  10. </message>
  11. </context>
  12. </TS>
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
The single string is used as the window title. I then made two copies and edited them in Qt Linguist:
Qt Code:
  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE TS>
  3. <TS version="2.0" language="en_US">
  4. <context>
  5. <name>JuliaWidget</name>
  6. <message>
  7. <location filename="jwidget.cpp" line="11"/>
  8. <source>Julia Skein</source>
  9. <translation>Julia Skein</translation>
  10. </message>
  11. </context>
  12. </TS>
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
Qt Code:
  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE TS>
  3. <TS version="2.0" language="es">
  4. <context>
  5. <name>JuliaWidget</name>
  6. <message>
  7. <location filename="jwidget.cpp" line="11"/>
  8. <source>Julia Skein</source>
  9. <translation>Madeja Julia</translation>
  10. </message>
  11. </context>
  12. </TS>
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
I have both juliaskein_en.ts and juliaskein_es.ts open in Qt Linguist; that's working fine. However, if I open juliaskein.ts, it pops up a dialog box asking what the target language is. This file doesn't have a target language; it should not have any translated strings. What should I do so that it opens without a target language and without asking for a target language? Is there a way to start a new translation in Qt Linguist, or do I just copy a file and edit it?