Hi, I'm trying to iterate through a QList of structs and modify elements within the struct, but can't figure it out.
My header looks like this:
struct buttonsStruct
struct buttonsStruct
QPushButton *pb;
QString s;
QWidget *w;
QPushButton *m_fireButton;
QPushButton *m_iceButton;
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
In my cpp file, create two struct objects and add them to a QList.
buttonsStruct b1 = {m_fireButton, "Fire", m_tabFire};
buttonsStruct b2 = {m_iceButton, "Ice", m_tabIce};
QList<buttonsStruct*> buttonsQList;
buttonsStruct b1 = {m_fireButton, "Fire", m_tabFire};
buttonsStruct b2 = {m_iceButton, "Ice", m_tabIce};
QList<buttonsStruct*> buttonsQList;
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
I iterate through out each QList struct, creating a new QPushButton.
QMutableListIterator<buttonsStruct*> it(buttonsQList);
while (it.hasNext())
buttonsStruct *bs = it.next();
(QRect(xpos, ypos,
QMutableListIterator<buttonsStruct*> it(buttonsQList);
while (it.hasNext())
buttonsStruct *bs = it.next();
bs->pb = new QPushButton(m_centralWidget);
(bs->pb)->setGeometry(QRect(xpos, ypos, 85, 25));
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
When I try to access m_fireButton, I get a crash, and checking the memory address, I get 0x0.
Isn't bs->pb the same address as m_fireButton or m_iceButton? I'm modifying my struct elements directly in the iterator, no?
I looked through the documentation and found QMutableListIterator::QMutableListIterator(QList<T > & list)
so the QList is passed by reference. I can't see where I went wrong here. Any help?