Graph is not scale to one of the condition in Qwtplot Library. Even If will call the replot then also scale is not scale properly.
I am able to generate that issue in only one condition.
Here the step to regenerate the same issue.
1) Create the Plot using QwtPlot.
2) attache two Curver QwtPlotCurve.
- Curve1 : Use QwtPlot::xBottom and QwtPlot::yLeft
- Curve2: Use QwtPlot::xBottom and QwtPlot::yRight.
3) Now plot the graph.
4) Turn ON the Log on X axis.5) detach the Curve 2.Qt Code:
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
6) add another set on Curve 1.(basically 3rd curve on X and YLeft).
X axis scale from 1-e100 to 1e+20.
If I will not detach the curve 2 then plot scaling is correct on X axis 100 to 1e+06.
What are the change do I need to make?