* Implementation of manual recursive filtering for Qt < 5
bool MySortFilterProxyModel
::filterAcceptsRow( int sourceRow,
const QModelIndex & sourceParent
) const {
#if QT_VERSION < 0x050000
// Qt is less than 5, so manually perform recursion
// Default QSortFilterProxyModel behavior for an empty regexp
if ( filterRegExp().isEmpty() )
return true;
QModelIndex index0
= sourceModel
( sourceRow,
0, sourceParent
// If column0 at the current level matches, return true
if ( sourceModel()->data( index0, Qt::DisplayRole ).toString().contains( filterRegExp() ) )
return true;
// The current level doesn't match but if it has children, recurse to look at them
else if ( sourceModel()->hasChildren( index0 ) )
bool bResult = false;
int nRows = sourceModel()->rowCount( index0 );
// Look at each child row. If any one of them matches (bResult == true) then the loop will exit
for ( int nRow = 0; nRow < nRows && !bResult; ++nRow )
bResult = filterAcceptsRow( nRow, index0 );
// Return whatever the loop result was. If any child matches, this is true, otherwise it is false.
return bResult;
// Otherwise, nothing at this level or below it matches, so the whole subtree is ignored.
return false;
// Qt version is > 4, so use default implementation
* Implementation of manual recursive filtering for Qt < 5
bool MySortFilterProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow( int sourceRow, const QModelIndex & sourceParent ) const
#if QT_VERSION < 0x050000
// Qt is less than 5, so manually perform recursion
// Default QSortFilterProxyModel behavior for an empty regexp
if ( filterRegExp().isEmpty() )
return true;
QModelIndex index0 = sourceModel()->index( sourceRow, 0, sourceParent );
// If column0 at the current level matches, return true
if ( sourceModel()->data( index0, Qt::DisplayRole ).toString().contains( filterRegExp() ) )
return true;
// The current level doesn't match but if it has children, recurse to look at them
else if ( sourceModel()->hasChildren( index0 ) )
bool bResult = false;
int nRows = sourceModel()->rowCount( index0 );
// Look at each child row. If any one of them matches (bResult == true) then the loop will exit
for ( int nRow = 0; nRow < nRows && !bResult; ++nRow )
bResult = filterAcceptsRow( nRow, index0 );
// Return whatever the loop result was. If any child matches, this is true, otherwise it is false.
return bResult;
// Otherwise, nothing at this level or below it matches, so the whole subtree is ignored.
return false;
// Qt version is > 4, so use default implementation
return QSortFilterProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow( sourceRow, sourceParent );
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