
QTableWidget, 2 columns. When the user resizes the window I also resize the columns.

User should be able to resize columns manually by resizing horizontal header, but here lies the problem. QTableWidget gets the resize event on resizing horizontal header columns! So now I don't know what was the reason of the resizeEvent.

I tried to disconnect original QHeaderView signal when resizing and connect to my own slot, but in the code I have to call setColumnWidth and this method is resizing column via header and header sends the signal I just get, so now it is recurrent loop.
I could in theory only process even calls, and ignore odd ones, but this solution is ugly (I didn't even try it).

So, my question is -- how to tell in resizeEvent where from this even came OR how to handle resize signal from QHeaderView without falling in infinitive loop?

Thanks in advance for tips, ideas, help :-)

have a nice evening, bye