
I have this code on "on_TextComboBox_textChanged(const QString &qText)" slot
Qt Code:
  1. ui.TextComboBox->setCompleter(0);
  2. ui.TextComboBox->setEditable(false); //To not let the combo emit "textChanged"
  3. ui.TextComboBox->clear();
  4. //Fill the combo with the list elements
  5. if (!qLList.isEmpty())
  6. for (int i = 0; i < qLList.size(); ++i)
  7. ui.TextComboBox->addItem(QObject::tr(qLList.at(i).toAscii().data()));
  9. //Adding the text written by hand on the combo
  10. ui.TextComboBox->addItem(qText);
  11. if (m_pCParameter->isEditable())
  12. ui.TextComboBox->setEditable(true);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

It crashes when exits the slot on "QCompleter::completionMode()" function.

What I want is a Combo that contains some items and the combo also have to be editable. So, when the user starts writting I want to insert the text as an item. For doing this I clear the items, add the items and finally add the text written as item. I don't want the completer so I try to disable it calling "ui.TextComboBox->setCompleter(0);".
