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Thread: INCLUDE lib in qtcreator

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
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    MacOS X Unix/X11

    Default INCLUDE lib in qtcreator

    I need to add a lib like /usr/local/lib/ in my program and an include like

    I setup the following environnement variables in the qtcreator->project->build environement

    But when I compile it is still doesnt find yarp... Do you have any idea ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: INCLUDE lib in qtcreator

    add to your .pro file:
    Qt Code:
    1. INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/lib/
    2. LIBS += -lYARP_OS
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    if it doesnt work adding also path to the LIBS variable:
    Qt Code:
    1. LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib -lYARP_SO
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    I would like to be a "Guru"

    Useful hints (try them before asking):
    1. Use Qt Assistant
    2. Search the forum

    If you haven't found solution yet then create new topic with smart question.

  3. The following user says thank you to faldzip for this useful post:

    shenakan (9th September 2009)

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