I'm given an image that represents stages/levels along these lines. Each stage is represented as an complete "image" at the percentage and then copied vertically within the actual image file. Perhaps some ascii art will help with that poor description.

Qt Code:
  1. ##########
  2. #########_
  3. ########__
  4. #######___
  5. ######____
  6. #####_____
  7. ####______
  8. ###________
  9. ##_________
  10. #__________
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Each line in there represents a "sub image" - think similar to a fuel gauge.

What I need to do is to display one sub image, one "line", based on some other data.

I *could* do it by breaking the image up into separate images for each level[1], but I'd rather do it by showing a piece, given that the image may change and I'd rather avoid the manual step and recompile and just get the base image via http. I've got the retrieve and show part down, just need to know how to show the "sub image".

I suspect I need a QGraphicsScene but I've not teased it out of the docs yet.

1. If needs be i'll break it into individual images, and using a stacked widget with a QLabel showing the image, since the incoming condition data is integer based.