
I know there have been questions related to setting application icon, but I couldn't find a solution to my problem.

I use Qt 4.6.3 on Windows 7 x64 to develop a small application for windows.

I have

Qt Code:
  1. RC_FILE = myapp.rc
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

in my .pro file, and

Qt Code:
  1. IDI_ICON1 ICON DISCARDABLE "myappicon.ico"
  4. FILEVERSION 1,0,1,0
  6. BEGIN
  7. BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
  8. BEGIN
  9. BLOCK "040904E4"
  10. BEGIN
  11. VALUE "CompanyName", "My Company\0"
  12. VALUE "FileDescription", "A simple desktop application.\0"
  13. VALUE "FileVersion", "1.0.1\0"
  14. VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright 2010 My Company\0"
  15. VALUE "ProductName", "MyApp\0"
  16. VALUE "ProductVersion", "1.0.1\0"
  17. END
  18. END
  19. BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
  20. BEGIN
  21. VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1252
  22. END
  23. END
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

in myapp.rc.

Everything works just fine on both Windows 7 and Windows Vista. The file information (product name, copyright etc.) and the .exe icon appear as I've set them. The problem is on Windows XP, where the .exe icon does not appear in Explorer, although the other information (product name, copyright) is ok. The application works fine, otherwise.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.