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Thread: Bubble Sort in TASM

  1. #1
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    Default Bubble Sort in TASM

    recently I've started to learning assembler (using TASM syntax), my first task was to made bubble sort...
    I made an implementation, I checked it in Turbo Debugger and elements are in fact replaced if the appropriate condition is met, elements are swapped

    but the program runs into infinite loop and I can not notice why is that
    here is the entire code
    Qt Code:
    1. ;program do metody babelkowej
    4. ; Algorytm sortowania babelkowego:
    5. ; 1. Start.
    6. ; 2. index = 0; zamiany = 0;
    7. ; 3. Odczytaj dwa sasiadujace elementy z tablicy o pozycjach index oraz
    8. ; index + 1; jezeli pierwszy z odczytanych elementow jest wiekszy od
    9. ; swojego nastepnika, to zamien elementy miejscami oraz zwieksz zamiany.
    10. ; 4. Zwieksz index o jeden.
    11. ; 5. Jezeli index < dlugosc_tablicy - 2 to skacz do 3.
    12. ; 6. Skacz do 2 jezeli zamiany rozne od zera.
    13. ; 7. Stop.
    14. .DATA
    16. t DB 01h, 02h, 00h, 10h, 12h, 33h, 15h, 09h, 11h, 08h, 0Ah, 00h
    17. ; 1, 2, 0, 16, 18, 51, 21, 9, 17, 8, 10, 0 ;po sorcie2=> 00h,00h,01h,02h,08h,09h,0Ah,10h,11h,12h,15h,33h
    18. t_size EQU 11 ; t_lenght
    19. again_s db 0 ; if again_s == 1, swap was made, again
    20. .CODE
    21. s:
    22. mov ax,@DATA
    23. mov ds,ax
    24. ;buble sort
    25. prepare:
    26. mov bx, OFFSET t ; load the t offset into bx
    27. again:
    28. mov again_s,0 ; XOR the flag
    29. xor si,si ; XOR used indexing register
    30. nextElement:
    31. mov ax,[bx+si] ; first compared element
    32. mov cx,[bx+si+1] ; second one
    33. cmp ax,cx ; comparing
    34. jbe noSwap ; if first <= next jmp no swap
    35. xchg ax,cx ; else swap
    36. mov again_s,1 ; set the flag
    37. noSwap:
    38. inc si ; increment index
    39. cmp si,t_size ; compare the index with t_size
    40. jb nextElement
    41. cmp again_s,1 ; if last element, check the flag
    42. je again
    43. koniec:
    44. mov ax,4c00h
    45. int 21h
    46. .STACK 100H
    47. end s
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    an important attention : I set t_size equal to 11, even though the real size equals 12. I made is so, because I tried to meet the condition when the index points at the last element (counting from 0)
    Last edited by kornicameister; 3rd March 2011 at 10:05. Reason: translation from polish code comments
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  2. #2
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    Default Re: Bubble Sort in TASM

    fixed the issues
    still do not know how to check if sorting is correct

    I would be glad if someone just took a look on fixed code

    Qt Code:
    1. ;program do metody babelkowej
    4. ; Algorytm sortowania babelkowego:
    5. ; 1. Start.
    6. ; 2. index = 0; zamiany = 0;
    7. ; 3. Odczytaj dwa sasiadujace elementy z tablicy o pozycjach index oraz
    8. ; index + 1; jezeli pierwszy z odczytanych elementow jest wiekszy od
    9. ; swojego nastepnika, to zamien elementy miejscami oraz zwieksz zamiany.
    10. ; 4. Zwieksz index o jeden.
    11. ; 5. Jezeli index < dlugosc_tablicy - 2 to skacz do 3.
    12. ; 6. Skacz do 2 jezeli zamiany rozne od zera.
    13. ; 7. Stop.
    14. .DATA
    16. t DB 01h, 02h, 00h, 10h, 12h, 33h,5h, 09h, 11h, 08h, 0Ah, 00h
    17. t_size EQU 3 ; dlugosc tablicy
    18. again_s db 0 ; przyjmie 1 jesli byla zamiana
    19. .CODE
    20. s:
    21. mov ax,@DATA
    22. mov ds,ax
    23. ;buble sort
    24. prepare:
    25. mov bx, OFFSET t
    26. again:
    27. mov again_s,0
    28. xor si,si
    29. nextElement:
    30. mov ah,[bx+si]
    31. mov al,[bx+si+1]
    32. cmp ah,al
    33. jbe noSwap
    34. mov [bx+si],al
    35. mov [bx+si+1],ah
    36. mov again_s,1
    37. noSwap:
    38. inc si
    39. cmp si,t_size
    40. jl nextElement
    42. cmp again_s,1
    43. je again=
    45. mov ax,4c00h
    46. int 21h
    47. .STACK 100H
    48. end s
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    Last edited by kornicameister; 3rd March 2011 at 16:41.
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Bubble Sort in TASM

    In my free time I'm learning assembler as well - using HLA ( assembly language developed for academic purposes ), I've rewritten your program in this syntax and added sorting check:
    Qt Code:
    1. program TestProg;
    3. #include ("stdlib.hhf")
    5. static
    6. t_size: int32 := 12;
    7. again_s: int8 := 0;
    8. t: int8[12] := [1, 2, 0, 16, 44, 11,5, 9, 11, 8, 12, 3];
    10. begin TestProg;
    12. again:
    13. mov (0,again_s);
    14. xor (esi,esi);
    16. nextElement:
    17. mov( t[esi],ah); ;
    18. mov (t[esi+1],al);
    19. cmp (al,ah);
    20. jbe (noSwap);
    21. mov (al,t[esi]);
    22. mov (ah,t[esi+1]);
    23. mov (1,again_s);
    25. noSwap:
    26. inc (esi);
    27. cmp (esi,t_size);
    28. jl (nextElement);
    29. cmp (again_s,1);
    30. je (again);
    32. xor(esi,esi);
    33. print:
    34. stdout.put(t[esi], " ");
    35. inc(esi);
    36. cmp(esi,t_size);
    37. jl(print);
    39. stdout.put(nl);
    40. stdout.put("start check..." nl);
    42. xor(esi,esi);
    43. check:
    44. mov(t[esi],ah);
    45. mov(t[esi+1],al);
    46. inc(esi);
    47. cmp(t_size,esi);
    48. jl(check_ok);
    49. cmp(al,ah);
    50. jbe(check);
    52. check_failed:
    53. stdout.put("not ok" nl);
    54. jmp end_prog;
    56. check_ok:
    57. stdout.put("check ok");
    59. end_prog:
    61. end TestProg;
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    Here you have more about HLA if you are interested: link.
    Last edited by stampede; 5th March 2011 at 15:43.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Bubble Sort in TASM

    I am literally forced to use tasm
    but thank you for Your time
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