
Decided to build Qt4 for WinCE x86 and try to use it - but it does not work. Help me.

What I did:

1. Installed Visual Studio 2008 Team System
2. Installed Windows CE 5.0: Standard Software Development Kit (SDK)
3. Installed Qt Visual Studio Add-in 1.1.7 (as with 1.1.9 it did not work)
4. I downloaded and unpacked the source Qt4 qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.1.zip to:
5. Create a directory for build:
6. Created in her two *.BAT files:

c:\qt\src-4.7.1\configure ^
-debug-and-release ^
-opensource ^
-platform win32-msvc2008 ^
-xplatform wince50standard-x86-msvc2008 ^
-no-qt3support ^
-no-dbus ^
-no-phonon ^
-no-phonon-backend ^
-no-multimedia ^
-no-audio-backend ^
-no-webkit ^
-nomake examples ^
-nomake demos
set INCLUDE=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\ce\include;C:\Program Files\Windows CE Tools\wce500\STANDARDSDK_500\Include\x86
set LIB=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\ce\lib\x86;C:\Program Files\Windows CE Tools\wce500\STANDARDSDK_500\Lib\x86
set PATH=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\ce\bin\x86_cex86;%PATH%
7. Start a command prompt studio and moved it to:
cd c:\Qt\build-vs2008-wince-4.7.1\
8. Ran cfg-qt471.bat and waited until it Configured.
9. Ran env-qt471.bat
10. Ran nmake and wait for final build.
11. After a successful build and run the studio
from the menu choose: "Qt-> Qt Options" and add new toolchain:
Version name : 4.7.1-wince
Path : c:\Qt\build-vs2008-wince-4.7.1
And click "OK".
12. In the "Qt Options" there was a record:
Default Qt/Win version : <empty>
Default Qt/WinCE version : 4.7.1-wince
13. Click "OK" button.

14. But now the choice of menu "Qt->Open Qt project file (*.pro)"
shows the error:
The following error occured:
Cannot find qmake. Make sure you have specified a Qt version.
BUT qmake is exists in builded my Qt:
How do I get to work?