I want to store some information related to a student in a table, so i m using tablewidget to display that data.
For this created a
1. mainwindow.ui (studentdatabase button, some more buttons)
2. studentdatabase.ui (tablewidget, addnewstudent button).
clicking addnewstudent button opnes a dialog having name, rollno, year and semeter lineedit fields. Entering all the details and OK button closes the dialog and inserts new row in tablewidget and displays the same data.
3. but when i close studentdatabase.ui and reopens the same, tablewidget with no data/row is displayed. student data is lost.

I tried:
I tried using a QStringList in a class and storing the same data in it, but as soon as i reopen the ui List is also empty.

Please let me know how to solve this issue, so that if i close studentdatabase.ui and reopens the same, student information is always there and new student info can be added.
Please let me where should i declare the class object and list variable to store the data of N students.

Thanks in advance for helping me.