Hi everyone, it is the first time I write here and I hope you can help me.

I am developing a program, in Linux, A, in which I read from a device (server, B) via UDP (using QUdpSocket) make some calculations and send via UDP the results to another Qt program, C, to show them in a little GUI. I have been using Qtimers, and it worked fine but as I need more accuracy I have had to change these timers for posix timers. Now, when I start to send the data from A to C, the GUI in A gets frozen.

If I change the writeDatagram in program A for an: cout << “whatever”; the GUI does not get frozen.

Does anybody know why this happen, is it a problem with the signals? could be a problem for having changed the methods to static? I had to do this because posix timers call static methods.
