Sorry AlekseyK, wasn't working for me these past few days. Anyway, glad that the MathML renderer works for you.

Regarding the issues that you have found:
  • formula background is white, need to be gray as button default color. autoFillBackground does not help.
    I made it white because that seemed more 'natural' to me, not to mention that this widget is not a button, so I don't see why it should be grey.
  • Aslo font color changing through palette propery has effect: only for plain text, for MathML engine still black.
    I am not sure what you mean by this, sorry.
  • QwtText::setColor() has no effect.
  • QwtText::setBackgroundBrush() has no effect.
  • QwtText::setPaintAttribute() for color or background true or false has no effect.
    I am not sure to what you are referring here. I mean, the widget is QwtMathMLDocument, so...?
  • need to add qwt_mml_entity_table.h/cpp files to also.
    Quite possible. Personally, I use CMake, so...

I am sure there must be a way to fix your 'issues'. Unfortunately, I really don't have time for it at the moment, not least since it has yet to be officially included in Qwt. However, if Uwe was to officially incorporate my changes into Qwt, then I would certainly try to find the time to iron things out.