Quote Originally Posted by mergele View Post
could someone please translate this tutorial for me to "new-to-linux-and-qt",
Most likely... no. If you're new to Qt and Linux I would Strongly (with a capital 'S') advise against starting your programming adventures by trying to cross-compile anything. Learn to walk first before you sign up for a marathon.

Now what is MinGW doing there? Why should I use MinGW in Linux, isn't it something for Windows to offer a shell similar to the one in Linux?
MinGW is a compiler that builds binaries for Windows. If you want to build Windows binaries on Linux, obviously you'll need a compiler capable of doing that which is MinGW that needs to be built for Linux (so that you can execute it there).

What is meant by "build the same version of Qt"? Is it just download Qt (like from: http://qt-project.org/downloads) for Linux? Why would I then need these tools?
Because qmake, moc and similar tools are to be ran on Linux so you need a version of those for that system. The version should be the same as the version of Qt you're targetting for Windows to avoid compatibility problems.

"if you built Qt on Windows" -> does this refer to 1, when I precompiled the application or something else?
It refers to building Qt on Windows. For me it's clear and simple. It doesn't say anything about any apps.

"mount the Windows disk on Linux " -> What is meant here? Shall I insert the Windows installation disk to my Linux-PC? And then do what?
Sorry, this is not a "Linux system for Dummies" site, I won't answer that question as doing it wrong might wreck your Windows drive. Come back after you're able to resolve problems related to using the system you wish to be using. Or better yet forget about cross-compiling binaries on a system you don't know.

"or copy the full tree over to your Linux disk" -> Which tree?
Qt source/build tree or the whole include/lib tree (but probably the former).

Again, I strongly advise you reconsider what you are trying to do. You will loose a lot of time and a lot of effort and in the end the result will probably not be what you expect it to be. Time and effort-wise in your situation it is cheaper to buy a copy of Windows XP, deploy it on a virtual machine and build your Windows apps there.