Hi everyone,

Please excuse me, but I am totally new to a lot of things here including Qt and Visual Studio.

So I downloaded and installed Qt5.1.1 for Windows (64 bit), but when I tried to test a simple code it gave me the error "Qt needs a compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in the kit options.". And Tools->Options->Build and Run->Compilers had a red exclamation symbol.

Then I read some threads and installed Visual Studio 2010 Professional. That red exclamation went away, but And Tools->Options->Build and Run->Kits as well as Tools->Options->Build and Run->Qt Versions still has the red exclamation symbols.

Then I tried installing MSVC 2010 (I read some things I only partially understood and tried to follow as much as I could), but could not do it, since I apparently have a newer version of MSVC (that's what the installer told me).

Anyone knows any solutions to this problem? I am weak with all these softwares, so I care less about an explanation and more about a precise directions on what I need to do to get this running.

Thanks in advance.
