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Thread: Empty window when running application on Windows XP 32 bits

  1. #1
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    Default Empty window when running application on Windows XP 32 bits


    I know that it's a long post, but I think it's the only way to explain what I did.

    I want to deploy my application on Windows XP SP 3 32 bits to rename files in a spefic way which I need.
    My development machine has Windows 8 Pro 64 bits and I'm using Qt 5.1 with MinGW 4.8 32 bits.
    For UI I'm using qml, and for the back-end (application logic) I'm using Boost libraries (I know that I can rename files with Qt sdk, I used a library for learning purposes; and I was right, took me some time until I got it right).
    On the deployment side I did:
    - build application on release
    - copy required .dll from <compiler>/bin/;
    - copy folder <compiler>/plugins/platforms.
    But this was not enough (I think), I could run the application but I was getting an empty small window. I read again the deployment page and I found that I was not using the Qt Resource System (I thought that .exe file couldn't file main.qml). I did refactoring to make use of Qt Resource System, build again, copy on the deployment machine and try again. And again empty window.
    Lastly I used Dependency Walker to check If I am missing something, and here is what was showing:
    Attachment 9598
    On deployment machine I did install VC Redistributable, but didn't solve the problem.
    I tried to find other option on my friend Google, but didn't find an answer.

    If you know or have an idea what's wrong, please spend 2 minutes to give me a hint!
    Also, if there is other specific information which is required please tell me.

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    Default Re: Empty window when running application on Windows XP 32 bits

    Sorry, invalid attachment.

    The Visual C++ redistributable is not necessary for a MingW executable.
    You can ignore IESHIMS.DLL which is often listed as missing.
    If your program is running but not functioning correctly then it is not missing any hard dependencies. It may be missing some or all of the Qt plugins required for image formats, etc.

    Run the program with a console and see if any warnings are issued.

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    Default Re: Empty window when running application on Windows XP 32 bits

    Thanks for reply,
    Firstly, I'm sorry for attachment. Here is a valid one dependency_error.jpg.
    Forgot to mention that I did copy image plugins, they are located in plugins/imageformats.
    Did open a cmd and ran app from there, sadly it did not help me with errors or warnings. Here is the results of cmd:
    "\n"(writen by app or sth else)
    <prompt>: (here app is running with an empty window).

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    Default Re: Empty window when running application on Windows XP 32 bits

    The plugins should be in the folder "imageformats" relative to the location of the executable: i.e. no intervening "plugins" folder.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Empty window when running application on Windows XP 32 bits

    I did move the folder as you said, but nothing changed.

    I think it's better to tell you which files are in which folder:

    Qt Code:
    1. C:\Program Files\Rename Files\
    2. + imagesformats
    3. - qgif.dll
    4. - qgifd.dll
    5. - qico.dll
    6. - qicod.dll
    7. - qjpeg.dll
    8. - qjpegd.dll
    9. - qmng.dll
    10. - qmngd.dll
    11. - qsvg.dll
    12. - qsvgd.dll
    13. - qtga.dll
    14. - qtgad.dll
    15. - qtiff.dll
    16. - qtiffd.dll
    17. - qwbmp.dll
    18. - qwbmpd.dll
    19. + platforms
    20. - qwindows.dll
    21. - qwindowsd.dll
    22. - qminimal.dll
    23. - qminimald.dll
    24. - qoffscreen.dll
    25. - qoffscreend.dll
    26. + images
    27. - browser_icon.png
    28. - rename_icon.png
    29. + qml
    30. + Rename_Files
    31. - Button.qml
    32. - main.qml
    33. - icudt51.dll
    34. - icuin51.dll
    35. - icuuc51.dll
    36. - libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll
    37. - libstdc++6.dll
    38. - libwinpthread-1.dll
    39. - main.o
    40. - moc_qtquick2applicationviewer.o
    41. - moc_renamer.o
    42. - qrc_resource_file.o
    43. - Qt5CLucene.dll
    44. - Qt5CLucened.dll
    45. - Qt5Concurrent.dll
    46. - Qt5Concurrentd.dll
    47. - Qt5Core.dll
    48. - Qt5Cored.dll
    49. - Qt5Declarative.dll
    50. - Qt5Declaratived.dll
    51. - Qt5Designer.dll
    52. - Qt5Designerd.dll
    53. - Qt5Gui.dll
    54. - Qt5Guid.dll
    55. - Qt5Help.dll
    56. - Qt5Helpd.dll
    57. - Qt5Multimedia.dll
    58. - Qt5Multimediad.dll
    59. - Qt5MultimediaQuick_p.dll
    60. - Qt5MultimediaQuick_pd.dll
    61. - Qt5MultimediaWigets.dll
    62. - Qt5MultimediaWigetsd.ll
    63. - Qt5Network.dll
    64. - Qt5Networkd.dll
    65. - Qt5OpenGL.dll
    66. - Qt5OpenGLd.dll
    67. - Qt5PrintSupport.dll
    68. - Qt5PrintSupportd.dll
    69. - Qt5Qml.dll
    70. - Qt5Qmld.dll
    71. - Qt5Quick.dll
    72. - Qt5Quickd.dll
    73. - Qt5QuickParticles.dll
    74. - Qt5QuickParticlesd.dll
    75. - Qt5QuickTest.dll
    76. - Qt5QuickTestd.dll
    77. - Qt5Script.dll
    78. - Qt5Scriptd.dll
    79. - Qt5ScriptTools.dll
    80. - Qt5ScriptToolsd.dll
    81. - Qt5Sensors.dll
    82. - Qt5Sensorsd.dll
    83. - Qt5SerialPort.dll
    84. - Qt5SerialPortd.dll
    85. - Qt5Sql.dll
    86. - Qt5Sqld.dll
    87. - Qt5Svg.dll
    88. - Qt5Svgd.dll
    89. - Qt5Test.dll
    90. - Qt5Testd.dll
    91. - Qt5V8.dll
    92. - Qt5V8d.dll
    93. - Qt5WebKit.dll
    94. - Qt5WebKitd.dll
    95. - Qt5WebKitWidgets.dll
    96. - Qt5WebKitWidgetsd.dll
    97. - Qt5Widgets.dll
    98. - Qt5Widgetsd.dll
    99. - Qt5Xml.dll
    100. - Qt5Xmld.dll
    101. - Qt5XmlPatterns.dll
    102. - Qt5XmlPatternsd.dll
    103. - Rename_Files.exe
    104. - renamer.o
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    And this is resource_file.qrc:
    Qt Code:
    1. <RCC>
    2. <qresource prefix="/">
    3. <file>qml/Rename_Files/Button.qml</file>
    4. <file>qml/Rename_Files/main.qml</file>
    5. <file>images/file_browser_icon_32x32.png</file>
    6. <file>images/file_renamer_icon_32x32.png</file>
    7. </qresource>
    8. </RCC>
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    Yet, when I'm running Rename_Files.exe I get a window like square with an edge of 100, white background and truncated title.
    Also, why is Dependency Walker complaining about MPR.dll? I tried to cheat: download it from google and put in the C:\Program Files\Rename Files\, but did not have ant effect.
    Last edited by athan_david; 18th September 2013 at 19:29.

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    Default Re: Empty window when running application on Windows XP 32 bits

    What Qt libraries have you deployed with the exe?

    Are you using the ANGLE build of Qt5 or an OpenGL build? The ANGLE build has issues on XP.
    I think that imposes some limits on QtQuick2.

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    Default Re: Empty window when running application on Windows XP 32 bits

    I'm using an Open GL build, but I did not any Open GL stuff directly.
    Are you suggesting to use Qt Quick 1 for Windows Xp deployment?

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    Default Re: Empty window when running application on Windows XP 32 bits

    I am not a Qt QML or Quick user, so I have no direct experience. Perhaps someone who does is better qualified to answer.

    Looking back at your file list:
    • You do not need to deploy the debug Qt libraries, e.g. QtCore5d.dll, for the typical release build. This also applies to the imageformats/ and platforms/ folders.
    • You only need to deploy the Qt DLL files (core or plugin) your program actually uses. Most of the imageformats and platforms DLLs are unnecessary.
    • Do not deploy the intermediate *.o files
    • You should not need the images/ or qml/ folders because these should be built into your executable by the Qt Resources system.

    The image file names in your resource file do not match those in your directory structure. I cannot tell if that is significant.

    How do you reference the QML file in your program? What path do you use to load it?

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    Default Re: Empty window when running application on Windows XP 32 bits

    Sorry for late reply,
    To reference main QML I'm using:
    Qt Code:
    1. viewer.setSource(QUrl("qrc:/qml//Rename_Files/main.qml"));
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    and to reference images from qml:
    Qt Code:
    1. "qrc:/images/file_browser_icon_32x32.png"
    2. "qrc:/images/file_renamer_icon_32x32.png"
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    About unnecessary files: I knew some of them where unnecessary, but I didn't know which ones since I'm it's my first deploy, so I addeed them all. Sadly, didn't help at all.

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    Default Re: Empty window when running application on Windows XP 32 bits

    Is the double "//" deliberate?

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Empty window when running application on Windows XP 32 bits

    This is a bit embarrassing, yes should have been only one "/".
    It's just a typo. When I tried first the Qt Resource System I didn't know how to refer to files, and you'll my tries from main.cpp:
    Qt Code:
    1. #include <QtGui/QGuiApplication>
    2. #include <QQuickItem>
    3. #include <QResource>
    4. #include "qtquick2applicationviewer.h"
    5. #include "renamer.h"
    7. int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    8. {
    9. QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
    11. QResource::registerResource("resource_file.qrc");
    12. QtQuick2ApplicationViewer viewer;
    13. viewer.setSource(QUrl("qrc:/qml/Rename_Files/main.qml"));// .setMainQmlFile(QStringLiteral("qrc:///Rename_Files/main.qml"));//setSource(QUrl("qrc://qml/Rename_Files/main.qml"));// .setMainQmlFile(QStringLiteral(":/Rename_Files/main.qml"));
    14. viewer.showExpanded();
    16. Renamer renamer;
    17. QObject *root = viewer.rootObject();
    18. QObject::connect(root, SIGNAL(rename_signal(QString)), &renamer, SLOT(rename_filesSLOT(QString)));
    20. return app.exec();
    21. }
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    I did build the project as it is now. On Windows 8 works just fine:
    Then tried my luck on Windows XP, here's the result:
    Also I tried with Dependency Walker, it shows the same as the image in the post above.
    I did copy all required files, I did use Qt Resource System.
    What am I doing wrong?

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    Default Re: Empty window when running application on Windows XP 32 bits

    I don't know how or what I did, but I don't have that plugin error anymore.
    Anyway, I did again a release. I've put these files:
    and when I run it, the "magic" white rectangle appears.
    I tried again to run it from cmd, as you suggested, Chris, and here is the result:
    and again Dependency Walker:

    That MPR.dll seems to be inside Qt5Core.dll. What's wrong with Qt5Core.dll? Is there a problem with the file on Windows XP?

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    Default Re: Empty window when running application on Windows XP 32 bits

    Mpr.dll is part of Windows and a Dependency Walker warning is typical on XP and can be ignored.

    Remove the registerResource() call from your main(). The qrc file and the files it references are built into the exe when the qrc is listed in the RESOURCES qmake variable in your pro file.

    Try a do-nothing QML example like the one on this page

  14. The following user says thank you to ChrisW67 for this useful post:

    athan_david (20th October 2013)

  15. #14
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    Default Re: Empty window when running application on Windows XP 32 bits

    Chris, as you did suggest, I created a project with this main.qml :
    Qt Code:
    1. import QtQuick 2.0
    3. Rectangle {
    4. width: 100
    5. height: 100
    6. color: "red"
    7. }
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    and this is the main.cpp:
    Qt Code:
    1. #include <QtGui/QGuiApplication>
    2. #include "qtquick2applicationviewer.h"
    4. int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    5. {
    6. QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
    8. QtQuick2ApplicationViewer viewer;
    9. viewer.setSource(QUrl("qrc:/qml/DeploymentProjectTest/main.qml"));
    10. viewer.showExpanded();
    12. return app.exec();
    13. }
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    And these are the results:
    Windows 8 Pro:
    Windows XP:
    Attached Images Attached Images

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    Default Re: Empty window when running application on Windows XP 32 bits

    I did continue with research and install Windows 7 and XP on virtual machines.
    As I found Qt Quick 2.0 is using Open GL to draw elements (but on deployment machine, Open GL 2.0 at least is required) and Qt Quick 1.0 is using QPainter (correct me if I am wrong).
    I did create project as Qt Quick 2.0 project and also did check if deployment machine does have support for Open GL 2.0 at least video card driver is up to date. Everything is good.
    Just in case I did create the project as Qt Quick 1.0 on Windows XP inside virtual machine and tried again. Big surprise same issue.

    Somehow on Windows 8 I did manage to recreate de bug using Qt. When I ran the app, I was complaining about QtQuick module, folder list module module and that QtObject cannot connect signals with slots because rootObject is null.
    Through a bit research I found that QML_IMPORT_PATH enviroment variable might be the issue. I did try to set it but no effect at all.

    If you know what's wrong please give me a hint.
    Or if you know a tutorial or topic about how to deploy an app please share it.

    Thanks for your effort!

  17. #16
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    Default Re: Empty window when running application on Windows XP 32 bits

    Hi again guys,

    Today in a few hours I finally solved this problem and I thought about sharing what information I got meanwhile.
    I was always getting a blank white window because the app was searching for some files but couldn't find them.
    It was strange that on development machine everything was working. So I came with idea to add an "_" to the Qt's folder name (like "C:\Qt_"), then rerun app. Voila! blank white window. Revert renaming and start "digging" for a specific folder by adding the "_". I found that app was looking for these 2 folders:
    C:\Qt\Qt5.1.1\5.1.1\mingw48_32\qml\QtQuick.2 -- didn't mention about this
    C:\Qt\Qt5.1.1\5.1.1\mingw48_32\qml\Qt -- why this folder? because I am using folderlistmodel.

    Now my app with these files works charm:
    Qt Code:
    1. Rename Files
    2. + platforms
    3. - qwindows.dll
    4. + Qt
    5. + labs
    6. + folderlistmodel
    7. - plugins.qmltypes
    8. - qmldir
    9. - qmlfolderlistmodelplugin.dll
    10. + QtQuick.2
    11. - plugins.qmltypes
    12. - qmldir
    13. - qtquick2plugin.dll
    14. - icon_rc_res.o
    15. - icudt52.dll
    16. - icuin51.dll
    17. - icuuc51.dll
    18. - libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll
    19. - libstdc++-6.dll
    20. - libwinpthread-1.dll
    21. - main.o
    22. - moc_qtquick2applicationviewer.o
    23. - moc_renamer.o
    24. - qrc_resource_file.o
    25. - Qt5Core.dll
    26. - Qt5Gui.dll
    27. - Qt5Network.dll
    28. - Qt5Qml.dll
    29. - Qt5Quick.dll
    30. - Qt5Script.dll
    31. - Qt5V8.dll
    32. - qtquick2applicationviewer.o
    33. - Rename Files.exe
    34. - rename.o
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    On deployment "dig" method works!

    Chris, Thanks a lot for your help!

  18. #17

    Default Re: Empty window when running application on Windows XP 32 bits

    I have been working a similar issue myself, and I'm not sure if it's QtQuick 2.0 related or not. Right now I can run stand alone on my development machine... however, I am using VirtualBox to run another Windows 7 32 Bit machine, and when I run the application there, it crashes. This is one step more than if the plugin dlls aren't loaded... at that point I simply get a white box (as does everyone else who doesn't have the plugins loaded and in the right spot).

    I'm curious if anyone else has had this behavior? It's completely repeatable with a mingw or visual studio build. I haven't tested 64 bit as of yet, but I'm going to.

    I'm using the openGL-desktop build, so I'm assuming (hopefully) that ANGLE isn't the problem. Or maybe openGL is the problem? Has anyone else been able to successfully run this scenario?

    1) Qt 5.2.0 - OpenGL - MingW4.8.6 or visual studio 2010
    2) Windows 7 32 bit virtual box machine
    3) QtQuick 2.0

    Crashes every time - with no warnings or output.


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