Hi all,

I'm using QAxBase objects (ms excel automation) and would like to connect the QAxBase::exception(int,QString,QString,QString) signal to manage errors but i can't ...

So, i've opened "qaxbase.h" source code and found :
Qt Code:
  1. #ifdef qdoc
  3. void signal(const QString&,int,void*);
  4. void propertyChanged(const QString&);
  5. void exception(int,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&);
  6. #endif
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

of course "qdoc" is not defined ... so, what am i missing ?

I have hardly googled, read the docs, searched on this forum but i found nothing ...
(I think there's no link between the "#define qdoc" in the code and the "QDoc" html doc generator tool, so googling on qdoc is'nt an easy task but maybe i'm wrong)

I'm using qt4 (same results with 4.7.4 and 4.8.5)
I've put "CONFIG += qaxcontainer" in my pro file and nothing more.
My code compile and runs well ...

Please give me an answer even if its stupid (i'm really good at stupid mistakes ) or a link to the answer i havn't been able to find.

thanks in advance