Hi - I am using QSerialPort to talk to a Basic Stamp microprocessor spitting out 2 byte values (pbasic WORD) read from an accelerometer.

I am a complete serial comms noob.

I am able to set up the comms fine, but I'm not sure what exactly CSerialPort :: read() gives me when passed an array of char.


bytesRead = SerialPort.read( bytes, 50 );

reads up to 50 chars into the array specified by "bytes". But what those bytes? The port is set to readonly, 9500 baud, 8 data bits, no parity bit, one stop bit, no flow control.

Are the bytes read those read off the serial port as is, i.e., 1 start bit, 8 data bits, one stop bit (So that the frame is split across multiple bytes, and my 2 byte word is split across 3 bytes)

Or is the char the data bits only (and my 2 byte word is split across 2 bytes only ?)

