
Does QCamera work on android?

I tried the provided example (in Qt/5.2.1/Src/qtmultimedia/examples/multimediawidgets/camera) but do not get a preview image. When I cover the lens of the camera (so that no light reaches it), the Application Output in QtCreator is (repeated, when I cover and uncover the lens):
D/Camera ( 7284): HTC_CALLBACK: callbackType=4 arg1=1 arg2=0 mHtcCallback=null
D/Camera ( 7284): HTC_CALLBACK: callbackType=4 arg1=0 arg2=0 mHtcCallback=null
D/Camera ( 7284): HTC_CALLBACK: callbackType=4 arg1=1 arg2=0 mHtcCallback=null
D/Camera ( 7284): HTC_CALLBACK: callbackType=4 arg1=0 arg2=0 mHtcCallback=null
I can click on the button 'Capture Photo' once (subsequently the button is grey'ed), I hear the shutter sound and get the following message in the Application Output window:
W/Qt ( 7284): image/qimage.cpp:4491 (QImage QImage::scaled(const QSize&, Qt::AspectRatioMode, Qt::TransformationMode) const): QImage::scaled: Image is a null image
Thus, no image is captured. And subsequently, I can no longer observe a reaction when covering/uncovering the lens.

My versions: Qt 5.2.1, QtCreator 3.1.0 (running on Linux Ubuntu 12.04LTS)
My device: HTC Flyer running Android 3.2.1 (with HTC Sense 1.1), rooted; and front and rear cameras work with other applications.