
I recently upgraded Qwt to 6.1.2 (from 6.1.0).
For one of my QwtPlot-derived class, I tweak the 'yLeft' axis scale engine to be QwtScaleEngine::Inverted. It used to work, but not anymore (i.e. the axis is not inverted).

I tracked down
Qt Code:
  1. QwtScaleEngine::Inverted
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
usage in Qwt source code. The flag is tested in
Qt Code:
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
, but unfortunately the method is not called, eventhough I call setAxisAutoScale(yLeft, true) in constructor. I'm not sure why the method is not called. QwtPlot::setAxisScale() seems to disable AutoScale, but is not called until I use magnifier or zoomer for the first time.

Any idea ?

Is QwtScaleEngine::Inverted flag broken ?
Is it possible to have an QwtScaleEngine::Inverted axis with zoomer/magnifier/panner tools ?