I make a program with a center view and a QStackedwidget on the left that keeps properties. The stacked widget contains for now 4-5 widgets designed in qt designer.
I recently added a new page in the stacked widget that contains some qwidgets and a QGraphicsView:
As you can see the top QGraphicsView works and resizes fine inside qt designer.
When I add the above qwidget to the left properties stackedwidget though, my qgraphicsview resizes awfully and gives me the below pic:
The QGraphicsView gets too big vertically destroying the size of my main window and extents outside the screen.

I read some posts about qgraphicsview behaviour inside a qsplitter, and the need to manipulate stretch factor when the scene of the qgraphicsview changes, but I could not understand how to do it.

Any ideas how to solve this issue? Notice that if I remove the splitters then all the layouting is fine. But I liked the notion to let the user resize with a splitter the view/properties ratio.