
I have a problem with the translation of shortcuts in the QCreator.

I can shortcuts to menu entries in the designer of the QtCreator. This works
and I can use the shortcut in the program.

But if I add a translation to the shortcut (in Germany "Ctrl-P" is "Strg-P") using
the "qt-linguist" tool, the displayed shortcut vanishes from the menu and they
do not work any more.

If I deactivate the translation, it will work again.

I even tried to load the "Qt translations" (as mentioned in another post) by using
the following code, but it did not help:

Qt Code:
  1. qt_translator.load(QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath)+"/qt_de");
  2. installTranslator(&qt_translator);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Does anyone know a solution for this problem?
