
I am developing an application with Qt 5.3, generating the project files with CMake and building with Visual Studio 2013.

Now I need to start working on the translation of the software, but I am kind of lost on how to do this with a CMake project.

I found some info in the Qt CMake manual on the Qt5LinguistTools, I added the macros to my CMake, but I don't know when are the qm and ts files generated, or how I am supposed to add them to the project.

I added the FIND_PACKAGE macro:
SET ( Qt5LinguistTools_DIR "C:/Qt/5.3.2/vs2013_64bits/qtbase/lib/cmake/Qt5LinguistTools" CACHE PATH "Qt5LinguistTools_DIR" )
FIND_PACKAGE( Qt5LinguistTools )

I added the QT5_CREATE_TRANSLATION macro:

And finally I added the QT5_ADD_TRANSLATION macro:

But after configuring and generating the CMake build project, and opening and building in Visual Studio, I don't see anything new or different.

Am I doing this right? Am I supposed to add some files as sources in the ADD_EXECUTABLE macro?

Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!