I have a INI txt file that I want to use with my Qt app. After some googling, I found that QSettings is probably my best bet; I want to use QSettings to read my INI file.

I then went to QSettings reference page, and read on how to use the class. One thing that I couldnt find was the format that QSettings expects when it reads an INI file.

Am I using the right class? or QSettings was not meant to be used as just a reader. i.e. when creating an INI file, you need to use QSettings class to create that INI file as well.

Also, here's the format of my ini file

Qt Code:
  1. #
  2. # Configuration file
  3. #
  5. [App]
  6. QueueSize = 10
  7. MaxNrgph = 16384
  8. MaxChNum = 40
  11. [Processor]
  12. ThresholdChNum = 2
  13. Range1 = 10.0
  14. Range2 = 20.0
  16. [Output]
  17. PortNumber = 9000
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode