Using this example, firstly, I created an "Application > Qt Quick application project".
I didn't change the main.cpp and kept the Window part and entered the Rectangle section below that, as follows:

Qt Code:
  1. ```
  2. import QtQuick 2.6
  3. import QtQuick.Window 2.2
  5. Window {
  6. visible: true
  7. width: 640
  8. height: 480
  9. title: qsTr("Rec")
  11. Rectangle {
  12. id: root
  13. x: 50; y: 10
  14. width: 120; height: 240
  15. color: "Blue"
  17. Image {
  18. id: triangle
  19. x: root.width + width/2; y: height/2
  20. source: "/triangle_red.png"
  21. }
  23. Text {
  24. y: 50
  25. width: root.width
  26. color: "white"
  27. horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
  28. text: "Triangle"
  29. }
  30. }
  31. }
  32. ```
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

The output is shown for Desktop. For other kits I just pressed the build button because I just needed the APK files.

My questions:

1- Is the type of the project I created exactly the one the book has used?
2-Do I need to keep the Window section? If so why isn't it shown in the example?
3- Shouldn't I change anything in main.cpp?
4- I built the project using the Arm Android kit but the size of the APK files for both Release and Debug modes are the same. I expected to have a smaller size for the Release mode.

Thank you.