Hi again,

I have some marker text items (QwtPlotMarker) in my plot, located at desired (x,y) locations. All looks good, except in some cases when the plot is rescaled and parts of some
markers end up outside the visible part of the canvas. The plot itself has a connected QwtPlotRescaler since It's important for me to keep the aspect ratio of the plotted curves. See examples in the attached pictures.
IDD1.png IDD2.png IDD3.png
Now I wonder if there is a way to take care of this so that the markers are always visible, regardless of how I rescale the plot? Can I somehow find out to what Y axis limits I need to set so that the (top and bottom) marker texts can fit, also if I should change font size of the markers? Or is there some other way to handle it? I would prefer not to set too large Y axis interval just to "be sure", rather as small as possible but still så that all text fits. (Hm, could this question be understood..?)
The next question is about font size of the QwtPlotLegend. I've tried to increase the font size this way:
Qt Code:
  1. QwtLegend* legend = new QwtLegend(plot);
  2. QFont lFont = legend->font();
  3. lFont.setPointSize(18);
  4. legend->setFont(lFont);
  5. plot->insertLegend(legend, QwtPlot::TopLegend, 1.0);
  6. plot->updateLegend();
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
However, this seems to have no effect, regardless of the size I set in setPointSize(...).
An example here, showing how my plot looks now (and I would really like a bit larger font for the legend):
Many thanks in advance!