
i do have a QcomboBox which contains a list of interfaces available on the System (Windows).

Now i think it would make sense to add a selected trigger....means: if a user selects / opens the QComboBox i want to re-scan for existing interfaces.

I have tried it like that:
Qt Code:
  1. interfaceComboBox = new QComboBox(configureConnectionBox);
  2. interfaceComboBox->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("interface"));
  3. interfaceComboBox->setStatusTip(QString::fromUtf8("Select your interface of choice here."));
  4. interfaceComboBox->setToolTip(QString::fromUtf8("Select your interface of choice here."));
  5. interfaceComboBox->setGeometry(QRect(12,25,100,20)); // my trigger
  6. connect(interfaceComboBox, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(openInterfaceSelector()));
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at the moment it looks like it happens just NOTHING if i select / open the QComboBox.

Am i using the wrong trigger ?

Best regards
