Qt Code:
  1. //create an image the size of the Phonon::VideoWidget
  2. QImage video_image(phonon_widget->size(), QImage::Format_RGB32);
  4. //render the widget image onto the QImage
  5. phonon_widget->render(&video_image);
  7. video_image.save("c:/test.jpg");
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Does anyone know why this wouldn't work? I save this image and all I get is a gray box. I've tried the same procedure with other widgets and it works perfectly. I found some forum posts on the subject, but they weren't any help really. There is video on the screen playing. I've tried pausing it before I render. I've tried using grabWidget(), to no avail.

I feel it's probably something simple I'm not considering...please help me if you can...Daniel