My program will not respond to a ctrl-c interrupt to terminate it's execution. I have my guesses but not really sure why. The program has no GUI but it utilizes signals/slots so I have a QApplication object to get to a "main loop." I have different app which does put up a "main window" and it responds just fine to the ctrl-C. Is the lack of a window the problem?

Here is the main:

Qt Code:
  1. int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  2. {
  3. QApplication a(argc,argv);
  4. ProcessMsgOperation pmo;
  5. return a.exec;
  6. }
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The ProcessMsgOperation sets up some socket connections and a timer. Either when a socket msg or a timer event occurs it reads from a database and then posts a message to a socket.


Linux or HPUX 11.11