I am trying to use Designer to modify a previously created QMainWindow that contains a QDockWidget. I have discovered that once I close a .ui file I can no longer select QDockWidgets by clicking on them with the mouse. I have tried several times using Qt 4.1.1 and 4.1.2. Every experiment I perform has had the same results. The experiments go like this:
- Create a MainWindow in Designer
- Add a Dock Widget
- Place a Text Edit object in the Dock Widget
- Set the layout for the Dock Widget to be grid layout
- Place a Text Edit object in the MainWindow
- Set the MainWindow layout to be the grid layout

At this point I can select, change properties, and de-select the Dock Widget all day long. Then I save and close the .ui file. When I re-open the form, I can no longer select the Dock Widget to change its properties or even to delete it.

I am doing this work in Windows XP Professional.

Any assistance with this would be much appreciated!