Hi everyone

I'm relative new to Qt (but not to programming in C++) and absolutly new to this forum.
English is not my native language and I hope everyone will understand me

I read this forum for a few weeks as a guest. I come from Germany and there is a german Qt-forum too, but it's quality is far away from this forum (slime )

My Qt skills grows day by day and I hope in the future i can help other Qt-ler's too.

My main-platform is Win32 under Windows XP (and soon on Windows 7 when I get enough time to install and configure it)

And here is my first question:

Is there a platform-independant (Qt-like) way to determine if a process is running?
For example under Win32 a program called testprogram.exe is running - is it possible to determine this without Win32-Api-calls?

And if not, is it possible for my program to determine on which OS it is running at runtime?
So that I can use Win32-Api-calls only when it is running on a win32-machine?

So, enough for my first post. Thanks to all of you who got the time to read this and maybe can help me ...