TL;DR version
Is it possible to execute C++ methods from inside of QML just like we can do with functions written in JavaScript?

Hi, I just finished reading the 'Same Game' tutorial. I cant deny that it was good reading and that it left mainly positive impressions within me, but there is one thing I was wondering about - would it be possible to use QML & JavaScript just for animations but implement all logic in C++?
Let's use the tutorial as an example
cpp Code:
  1. Button {
  2. id: btnA; text: "New Game"; onClicked: initBoard();
  3. anchors.left: parent.left; anchors.leftMargin: 3
  4. anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
  5. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
cpp Code:
  1. MouseRegion {
  2. id: gameMR
  3. anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: handleClick(mouse.x,mouse.y);
  4. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Initialization of the board (initBoard()) does not have to be necessarily considered part of program logic by someone (however I do consider it game logic ). But clicking on the stones (which is here solved by using mouse region and then calculating the index of the stone of the coordinates of the click - handleClick(int, int)) is definitely part of the game logic (it might not be obvious in this scenario since the game is so simple) but imagine something like gomoku, chess, shogi or whatever.

So now to the point.
Question: Is it possible to link onClicked and other triggers (signals? O.o) to C++ functions (or better methods) instead of JavaScript ones?
Because if yes (yahaha it would be so great! ) I could easily imagine QGraphicsItem which graphic appearance (colors, background, animations and stuff) would be designed in QML (and even JavaScript) but the sole logic of the item would be in C++, the you would just add the given item into the QGraphicsScene and call it a day.

Disclaimer: I'm not saying this because I think the tutorial is bad au contraire for it's reason which is to show the capabilities of QML. What I'm trying to say is, that I either need another totorial | help from you or new feature I hope no one will be offended by this thread.