I have a copy of that book sitting on my desk right now - a great resource! :-) Their model-view chapter is especially good and far superior to anything I saw online, but I get a little hazy on the particulars.

My tree basically contains five branches, each with its children having a unique type - say, Person, Place, and Thing to follow the earlier example. I intend to display the entire Person branch as a table, which seems like it should be straightforward. QComboBox, for example, makes displaying lists from a tree model very simple by assigning the model with QComboBox::setModel() and choosing my branch with QComboBox::setRootModelIndex(), but I don't see a similar implementation for a proxy model, even though that is what I'm shooting for.

I see that perhaps I've been thinking about the model concept backwards (tree --> table versus table --> tree). Structurally, though, the tree makes the most sense for my model