Hi, I'm making simple application in qt form my mobile phone (symbian), but I have problem with receiving message from server (computer) to client (mobile), which I want to set as text in label.
I dont know qt very well but I can make sending msg from client to server.

I did this (dont work):

Qt Code:
  1. QByteArray buffer;
  2. buffer.clear();
  3. buffer = socket->readAll();
  5. if(buffer.size() == 0) //
  6. {
  7. qDebug("Error: Empty buffer.");
  8. }
  10. p1l->setText(buffer);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

I'm getting error all the time and I dont know what to do. I tried do this in many ways and I googled a lot but with no result.
I would appreciate all your help.