Hi, I'm troubleshooting a Webview with keyboard.
This Keyboard uses C++.

Here is the situation:

When I type lowercase 'a' on the website, it should be like the image below;


Using Real keyboard

But the problem is now, When I type lowercase 'a' on the website, it shows uppercase

2nd image.jpg

Using the Virtual Keyboard

I want to know whether there is a namespace that can show lowercase 'a' on the website.
Example : I used Qt::Key_A, this will give me uppercase 'A'.
So is there any namespace that I can declare or code that I can write in order to make the output shows lowercase 'a'?

As the symbol, I also need to know the code or namespace


Using Real Keyboard


Using Virtual Keyboard

Qt Code:
  1. else if (keyName == "?") return Qt::Key_Question;
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

I hope someone can help me with these keyboard problem.
Thank you.