Dear Sirs and Madams!

I am working on Qt/QML with mysql db application I have following situation:
At startup the user must login into system and this part works ok (QML<==>Qt/C++ interaction). Now, I fetch data from several tables using their models and from this data I would like to make subclassed QAbstractListModel class, which will work with following data structure:
Qt Code:
  1. typedef QMap<QPair<QString, QString>, QList<UeOrderRecord*>> UeTypeOrders;
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Let me clarify: I have logged user (Id, Name, Image, Password), I have some products (Id, Name, Image, Price, ...) and some positions (Id, Name, ...). Now, for evey logged user, new (empty) model with UeTypeOrders must be created. How do I, for example, handle data in UeTypeOrders in virtual data() method?

Sincerely yours,