I run Debian Etch and now I try to compile KDE4, but first i have to compile a Qt version >= 4.3.

When I try to run the configure script I receive the error message in the title. 'make' is installed, it works from bash and sh and 'which' finds it.
Also g++ and a lot of development libraries are installed (the error message is about make anyway).

From my .bashrc file the only uncommented lines are:
Qt Code:
  1. test -s ~/.alias && . ~/.alias || true
  3. PATH=/space/kde4/qt4-compiled:$PATH
  4. export PATH
  5. MAKE=/usr/bin/make:$MAKE
  6. export MAKE
  8. # This line was appended by KDE
  9. # Make sure our customised gtkrc file is loaded.
  10. export GTK2_RC_FILES=$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0
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Another issue is that the script does not run unless called as 'sh ./configure', if I run it from bash simply '.configure' it says:

Qt Code:
  1. bash: ./configure: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied
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