
I have a slot with the following code:

Qt Code:
  1. QSlider *locSlider = qobject_cast<QSlider *>(sender());
  2. QButtonGroup *locBG = qobject_cast<QButtonGroup *>(sender());
  4. if( QButtonGroup *locBG = qobject_cast<QButtonGroup *>(sender()) )
  5. { etc... }
  7. if(locSlider == zXag[2])
  8. { etc.... }
  10. if( (locSlider == NULL) && (locBG == NULL) )
  11. { etc... }
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and 3 things connected to the slot: a QSlider, a QButtonGroup, and a custom signal, customSG. This works: if customSG makes the call, the appropriate conditional is entered (i.e. when locSlider and locBG are NULL). But... what if I want to connect two Signals? How can I determine which Signal made the call? Or in such situations, should I just code a 2nd SLOT?