
I have a own class that I need to emit using a signal. The problem is:

Qt Code:
  1. class classA
  2. classA::classA()
  3. {
  5. }
  6. public slots:
  7. void aSlot(myClass&);
  9. class classB: public classA
  10. classB::classB()
  11. {
  12. bool bC = connect(pClassC,SIGNAL(aSignal(myClass&)),this,SLOT(aSlot(myClass&));
  13. //This returns me "true"
  14. };
  15. classC* pClassC;
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classA is a base Class. Has the slot to be called.
classB is derived from classA. Conects the classC signal with parent slot.
classC is a class that do something and emits a signal.

I had this working by passing the objects as value, but now, passing them by reference, the slot is not called.

Any idea what is happening?
