
I need to embed ObjectiveC/Python/Ruby code in C++ Qt application. Did anybody do it before ? I'm not sure what I need to start:
a) Using some C++ language keywords as "extern C" and embed the source code ? But how to call those objects ?
b) Some specific wrapper that is C++ class that contains calls to ObjectiveC/Python/Ruby code ?
c) To compile ObjectiveC/Python/Ruby into library and then use some C++ compiler directives and embed it ? How to use header files then ?

Won't it cause any Qt compatibility problems ?

P.S. My end goal is to make use Applie Script program in Qt application. As Apple Script has bridge to ObjectiveC/Python/Ruby (http://www.apple.com/applescript/fea...ingbridge.html), I want first call my program written in Apple Script from ObjectiveC/Python/Ruby and then call ObjectiveC/Python/Ruby code from C++ Qt application.

If somebody knows how to do that, please share your experience.
Thank you