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Thread: Qt 4.4.1 WinCE HelloWorld -> ARMv4i

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
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    Question Qt 4.4.1 WinCE HelloWorld -> ARMv4i


    What I've done:
    Build with...
    Qt 4.4.1 WinCE sources
    Windows Standard CE 500 SDK
    Psion Standard CE 500 SDK ( is the SDK for the using device )

    ... a static Qt shadowbuild.

    Then I have aligned my path variables for the shadowbuild and so on.

    For testing I have created a Project file for a sourcecode file (it includes the first tutorial code of the assistant). Then I've made qmake in the directory and after this a nmake for compiling.

    To this time there is no error or problem.

    Then I've copied the exec directory to the Psion device with WinCE500 and want to start it.

    There comes the following error:
    'ProgramName' is not a vaild Windows CE application.

    Okay. then i have called the program dumpbin to aks for the dependencies on my win32 computer.

    Theese are needed:
    msvcr80.dll - this is in the Visual Studio\..\..\.....\ARMv4i directory

    Where can I get theese DLL files for my WinCE 5.0 / Arm enviroment?

    Or what is the main error / problem??

    Who can help me?



    ..and don't worry about my maybe curious english
    Last edited by Chris81T; 16th September 2008 at 14:02.


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