Hi, I have a simple question:
After I open QtCreator, the first time I debug my program, every information I want is in "Debug Mode", under "Locals and Watchers" tab. But after that, any other time I debug my code, the information is different.

For example:
(first debug)
Qt Code:
  1. Name: Value: Type:
  2. arq "elemento.txt" QFile
  3. inicial 1 int
  4. nome "A" QString
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

(same program, second debug)
Qt Code:
  1. Name: Value: Type:
  2. arq QFile
  3. inicial 1 int
  4. nome QString
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

If I close QtCreator and open it again, everything goes back to normal... for the first time I debug.

Note: it only goes wrong with data from Classes, if its a primitive variable (int, char, long...) everything is ok.

Should I know something I don't?
Thanks, people!